Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Frogs (no snails) and piggy tails!

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Tater covering up the cat for a nap

It's beyond time for a Tater update. Gran has been so busy with so many things that it has taken far too long to take a moment to tell you the latest on little Miss Tater Tot. This is a picture of our sweet little angel covering up an unsuspecting cat for a nap. See those adorable little pigtails? She finally has enough hair to put up in ponytail holders. She resembles Boo from Monsters, Inc., and it is just too adorable.

Here's another photo of her cute little piggy tails. Isn't she the cutest thing?

Mama and Dada Tater and little Tater Tot were rear ended recently. Their car was totaled, but thankfully they were not seriously injured. This sweet little girl was very brave when she went to the emergency room as a precaution. Their new truck has a DVD player, so now she gets to watch her favorite movies while they are on the road. She likes it. She really likes it. During the Great Car Shopping Adventure of 2016, she enjoyed seeing the huge sun on top of the Sunrise building on Covington Pike. She also enjoyed watching the huge American flag waving in the breeze at Jim Keras. She got a bit antsy when we stopped at Gossett and the battery on Mama Tater's phone died in her little hands. As we left Covington Pike, she declared she was ready to eat. She was very happy when we sat down at Steak 'N Shake. She was not happy, however, when Pappy shared his Cajun fries with her. Hot! She did like Gran's Parmesan fries, though. Let's just say Tater Tot took most of her fries home with her.

Sun on top of Sunrise Covington Pike

This is the huge sun on top of Sunrise on Covington Pike.

Oh, frogs! Sometimes I feel like my mind is filled with gears with a few missing teeth - spins a bit until it catches again. Little Tater found a frog in her kitchen. It might not seem like a big deal, but Mama Tater is terrified of frogs. I was told there was much screaming involved. Apparently there was enough screaming that Dada Tater thought it was something much worse than a frog. The very next day, Mama Tater went through the entire house searching for frogs. Tater was not happy when Mama Tater kicked her out of her room so she could clean up all the toys to be sure there were no frogs. She was so distraught that she called Gran. She read Gran a book over the phone, and she showed off her counting skills. She also ran back and forth trying to get back in her room.

Tater Tot's professional photograph

Look at beautiful little Tater Tot! This photo was taken by 
David and Sarah's Photography. Be sure to visit their Facebook page

So, what else has Tater been up to?

She likes to count for a game of hide-and-seek.

She still likes to read, and she has 'read' Gran a book over the phone.

She likes to eat. She has no problem telling you when she wants to eat.

She will tell you when she needs a nap. Have you ever seen a two-year-old do that?

She likes to rock her baby doll to sleep. She would rock the cat to sleep if it would let her.

She sings several songs. She likes to sing 'rain, rain, go away,' even when the skies are clear.

She likes to camp. She really enjoyed the last trip out. She likes to watch the deer at the campground.

She will pretend to grab your nose and pop it into her mouth like she is eating your nose. A-dor-able!

She enjoys pretending to be Dr. Tater. Visit her house, and you can expect to receive a shot once she retrieves her Doc McStuffins kit. Don't worry. She will bandage you up after she's done.

Tater Tot on the go

This photo was taken by Tater Tot's Nana before 
or after her photo shoot. Isn't she just a doll?

She is learning so many new things because she picks things up quickly. Despite all the changes, some things have not changed. Mama Tater was at the bank and I got in the car with Tater while she went inside. I told her that her shirt was cute, and she beamed and said, "Thank you!" She is still so polite, and that's such a rare thing these days.

Tater Tot's puppy ears

This is a photo of sweet Tater stopping to eat during a shopping trip. 

This sweet little girl is so loved. Everyone just adores her. You can't help it.

Best Wishes, 

P.S. Here's a video showing how Tater has grown in her first two years. Enjoy!

P.P.S. In case you missed it, here is a video showing Gran, Pappy, Mama Tater, and her aunt and uncles over the years.


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